Odious Debts

Probe International’s letter to Canadian World Bank executive director

June 23, 1999

June 23, 1999

Ms. Terrie O’Leary
Executive Director for Canada
World Bank
1818 H Street N.W.
Washington DC 20433

Dear Ms. O’Leary,

Please find attached a copy of a May 26th letter from the Canada Tibet Committee and endorsed by Probe International, urging Canada’s Minister of Finance, Paul Martin, to
withhold support for the World Bank’s proposed “China Western Poverty Reduction Project.” On behalf of Probe Intemational’s 20,000 supporters across Canada, I urge you to vote against the proposed $160 million World Bank loan for the forced resettlement of 58,000 ethnic Chinese farmers onto land traditionally owned by Tibetan and Mongolian people.

Based on the experience in Canada, China, and elsewhere, resettlement schemes are social and environmental disasters. In this case, the livelihoods and culture of Tibetan and Mongolian people are threatened by an influx of ethnic Chinese farmers. I would appreciate it if you could let me know, after the vote and in writing, how you voted and any verbal explanation you gave of Canada’s position on this loan.


Patricia Adams

Executive Director

cc. Honourable Paul
Martin, Minister, Department of Finance, Ottawa, Canada

Read Ms. O’Leary’s statement.

Categories: Odious Debts

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